I like to add some stitching to my cards so I am either making window cards to put my miniature stitching in or just glue them to a piece a cardstock to decorate my card with.
Today I will show you how to make a tri-fold card.
An envelope, approximate size 3 3/8" by 5 3/4",
A decorative cardstock, approximate size 5 1/2' by 11"
Your scrapbook supplies: a cutting mat, exacto cutting knife, template for oval op
ening, ruler, rotary trimmer, small scissors and a pencil
Divide your cardstock to 3 even parts and fold sides to the middle with a help of ruler. Fold all 3 sides and check if you need to adjust the size of card.
I am usually trimming cards as needed to be perfectly rectangular.
With pencil and ruler, find the center of the middle section on the back side of the card and mark it. Place your cardstock on a protective cutting mat with the back side facing you. Place your oval template so it is centered over the center point. Cut the shape with your exacto knife, then turn your card to the front and see if you like how it turned out. If it needs some adjustments make it with your small needlecraft scissors.
Fold your card, and it is ready for you to place your stitching!
Ой спасибо огромное!
Мне это как раз нужно - у среднего день рождения в апреле - 5 лет, так он не покладая рук готовится - все приглашения пишет друзьям - предложу ему твою идею
Спасибо, Мария - рада, что тебе идея нравится :)
Thank you very much! Very beautiful card!
Thank you! Great tutorial!
Интересно, только для меня всегда загадка, как же все-таки туда вставлять вышивку-)))
IrinaN - а вот об этом я расскажу в следующий раз :)
Thank you, Tanya for sharing with us! Simple idea, but looks so good! Can't wait to see a pattern for embroidery :)
Thank you for tis tutorial!
Guys, pattern for this card and also finishing instructions will be posted in a next days. Thank you for your comments, everyone!
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