So, I am happy to introduce my fellow etsian and friend – Lana from FineEmbroidery!

Q: Please tell us about your journey to art of card making
A: I started to make embroidered cards about 10 years ago. I always wanted the gifts I gave to my friends and family would be very special and unique. So I made my first card for my friend. Later I found out that Stitches magazine was holding an international Great Greeting Card Contest for the best embroidered card in several categories. I decided to give it a try and I was pleasantly surprised to see my card was one of the winners! My modest card got first prize in General Category!
Since then I got this passion for card making. I entered the very special world with unlimited possibilities but with some minor rules and limitations. The card should be a certain size to fit an envelope. It does not have to be loaded with details like an oil painting, for example. It must be pretty, festive and it should be desirable to most people. The best part in card making is I am not limited in my creativity!

Q: What would you say makes your cards unique and why will people love them?
A: To make a great card you need to think of the person who will receive it. You have to think of what he or she would like to see on their new card.

For a child I would choose something magic, like a gingerbread house for Christmas:

The next card I offer is a charming romantic card for the bride-to-be:Everything here reminds me of a lovely gentle brides image: the soft lavender background, the elegant white lilies and the lace border embellished with little tiny pearls:

The next card I am presenting was made with the thought of my friends who I love dearly. I named this card a “Present From The Depth Of My Heart”. It features a lovely bouquet of pink flowers on top of a wrapped gift:

Thank you, Lana, for being with us today!
You can find Lana's beautiful cards at her stores:
Thank you, Tanya, for sharing my story with readers of you wonderful Blog!
I am honored!!!
Wonderful interview, very interesting! Lana does beautiful work in embroidery!
Thank you, Tanya, for telling us about Lana! She is very talented artist and the lovely person indeed!
I adore her works!
She is very talented lady!
Wow, those are beautiful. What a wonderful feature.
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