There is something so romantic about the skeleton keys! There is a little bit of mystery, a lot of old time charm and definitely, a story!

I remember as a child I was running free and happy alone with my friends. That was a quiet simple times in a small town. Summer bushes were blooming and the air was filled with flower's aroma. Parents were not afraid to leave their kids play by themselves for a while. You could build a tent outside of multistory building, wear a crown made of dandelions and pretend you are a Princess. You can fall in a rye field full of wild poppies, cornflowers and stare in the blue sky for hours, counting the quick moving clouds. During these times I always had my keys on a piece of hemp ribbon hanging down on my neck that I would not loose it and I was not considering it as a necklace :)

Well, I am now! I was looking at my vintage finds the other day and then I found these old rusty skeleton keys. I put one on a dog's tag chain, added a vintage enameled necklace and voilĂ !

I hope you like it :)
Cute stuff!
Very interesting necklace!
Fun story and a cute necklace!
I really like it!
Your childhood story take me to those time.... I feel some nostalgic
Very interesting!
That's cute :)
Very interesting!
Cool necklace!
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