If you were born in April, your birthstone is diamonds. This gemstone is always highly desirable (remember "Diamonds are the best girl's friends"?) and one of the most valuable stones.

Diamonds can be completely colorless and transparent or a multiply colors like blue, pink or other colors. When set in gold or platinum, diamonds are a great choice for the wedding ring or other jewelry.

This gemstone is the hardest substance found in nature, generally only a diamond can scratch another diamond. It is heat resistant and has a highest melting point. The only thing that is more resistant to compression than a diamond is the metal Osmium.

When you think of the diamonds resistance to just about anything and the value they carry, it is the great way to pass on a treasure through generations. Now you understand the meaning of the popular saying: diamonds are forever!
Beautiful rings and such a well written post!
interesting article! thank you!
Great article and beautiful pictures, Tanya!
Lovely post, I'm not a big jewelry person but I love the way the light catches the diamond in my engagement ring.
I was born in April! Anyone interested in giving me diamonds for my brithday? hehe
Yana - :) not me :)
Oh, and happy Birthday, Yana!
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